
The United Republic of Tanzania

Ministry of Health

Pharmacy Council

The Pharmacy Act
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1. The Pharmacy Act,2011

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1. The Pharmacy (Education and Training) Regulations G.N 333 of 2005
2. Fees payable to the Council as per The Pharmacy Fees and charges Regulations GN. No. 299 of 2012
3. The Pharmacy (Registration of Foreign Pharmacist) Regulations GN. 42 of 2009
4. The Pharmacy (Procedures for Conducting Inquiry, Codes of Ethics and Professional Conduct)
Regulations GN 42 of 2009
5. The Pharmacy (Inspection) Regulations, G.N 140 of 2019
6. The Pharmacy (Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets) Standards and Ethics for Dispensation of Medicines
Regulations G.N. 185 of 2019
7. SUPP GN 266 17 APRIL 2020 - The Pharmacy (Prescriptions Handling and Control) Regulations, 2020
8. SUPP GN 267 17 APRIL 2020 - The Pharmacy (Pharmacy Practice and Conduct of Business of a Pharmacy)
Regulations, 2020
9. SUPP GN 268 17 APRIL 2020 -The Pharmacy (Inquiry) Regulations, 2020
10. SUPP GN 269 17 APRIL 2020 - The Pharmacy (Premises Registration) Regulations 2020

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1. Guidelines for Pharmacist Internship Training, 2017
2. Pre- Registration and Professional Examinations Guidelines, 2019
3. Standards for Pharmacy Training Institutions (NTA L 4 - 6), 2017
4. Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, for pharmaceutical personnel year – June 2015
5. ADDO Medicines list (GN.No 63 of 2015)

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1. Mandatory terms of reference for the superintendent and proprietor which shall be incorporated in their contract agreement to
run the business of the Pharmacist
2. Procedure For Communication With The Registrar of The Council In Case of Contract Dispute or Termination of Business of a
Pharmacist PCF.17
3. Code of ethics and professional conduct edited.
4. Procedure for approval of location of new Pharmacy
5. The ADDO Program Story Feb 2015
6. Standards of The Premises
7. Minimum Criteria to be Considered Before Applying For Approval of Location
8. Locations Allowed And Not Allowed To Establish Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) in Ubungo Municipal Council
9. Locations Allowed And Not Allowed To Establish Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) in Temeke Municipal Council
10. Locations Allowed And Not Allowed To Establish Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) in Ilala Municipal Council
11. Locations Allowed And Not Allowed To Establish Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) in Kinondoni Municipal Council
12. Locations Allowed And Not Allowed To Establish Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) in Kigamboni Municipal Council